Razzamataz saddling up for fundraising event!


Razz at the Races~Sun 30th April

Students from Razzamataz are gearing up to perform at a fundraising event to support three charities looking to improve the lives of young people and those suffering from life-threatening illnesses.

Razz at the Races will be on Sunday 30th April at The Halston Carlisle and will feature performance from the children, 6 chairty races, a buffet, raffle and a disco. The school is currently looking for businesses to sponsor a race and individuals who would like to name a horse as well as donations of raffle prizes.

The three charities that are being supported are MS-UK, which is a national charity dedicated to empowering people with multiple sclerosis, JDRF, the type 1 diabetes charity and Razzamataz’s own charity Future Fund, which offers financial assistance to former students attending full-time performing arts training at college or university.


The three charities are all very close to the entire team at Razzamataz. Earlier this year, the two-year old son of Denise Hutton-Gosney, MD and Founder of Razzamataz, developed type 1 diabetes. “It has been an incredibly difficult month for our whole family, it’s also been a frustrating time as unless you know this illness it’s easy to assume it’s ‘easy’ to manage, which it really isn’t especially for a two-year old,” says Denise. “Our lives are now ruled by numbers and alarm clocks 24/7, he cannot go too high or too low, worse case scenario of both of these are diabetic comas. But my little boy is a real life super hero and he copes with up to ten injections a day in his thighs that are full of little bruises. Hopefully by raising funds, there will be a cure for this one day and I thank all the team at Razzamataz Carlisle for their support.”

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The Principal of Razzamataz Carlisle Debbie Mitchell has also selected MS-UK in support of her sister Lyndsey who was diagnosed with MS when she was 21. She says: “Lyndsey has lived with MS for ten years. To look at her you would think she is a normal, fit and healthy 31 year-old and for most of the time she is. But she has relapsed multiple times since being diagnosed and lost her sight twice, the first time for a few months after having her first child. She receives treatment every other week at hospital and despite all of this, she ran the London Marathon in 2015 to raise funds for the charity.”


All our fantastic Inter and Senior students will perform at the event and as well as the races, there will be a buffet, raffle and disco. We are looking for local businesses to support the event and kindly seeking race sponsers and raffle prizes. To book tickets for the event, which is also being held to celebrate principal Debbies 30th birthday, please contact Razzamataz on 01228 550129, email Carlisle@razzamataz.co.uk or visit our reception on a Saturday

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